패스클 - 에너지관리기사

by ParkBros



From job placement, public announcements, appointments, graduate school entrance exams, and various certification exams to life and attendance studies! Where study is needed, there is a passle.(“Where is a good study?”, “Do you have a study room reservation?”, “It’s dangerous outside the house..” Now leave all these worries to Pascle.)In Passcl, you can ‘recruit’ a study, ‘join’ a study you want, and even conduct a study live ‘meeting’ online. But now, with the solution of the ‘old questions’…1. Study RecruitmentYou can create and recruit study members in the fields you want, such as civil servants, employment, police, appointment, tax accountant, accountant, graduate school entrance exam, language, various certifications, and daily life/attendance studies.2. MeetingUp to XX people can simultaneously access the recruited study at any time, allowing you to freely conduct online study from anywhere.3. PenaltyStudy members tardies and absences are updated in real time.4. Chat and MessageWe provide chat service and message service for smooth communication with study members.5. Previous questionsCurrently, you can solve previous questions such as civil servants, police, and appointment anytime, anywhere, and provide your own incorrect answer rate and correct answer. Previous issues will be continuously updated, and upon request, we will update as much as possible in consideration of copyright issues.6. ReportIt is possible to immediately report illegal and unpleasant behavior, and take necessary measures accordingly.Passle supports your dreams!!